Orators and Politicians Astrology
“Ask not what your country
Can do for you; ask what you
Can do for your country -
John F. Kennedy
A good speech should be made for a good reason. To inspire, to instruct, to rally or to lead are its noble purposes. Antony’s ‘Friends, Romans, countrymen…’, Lady Macbeth’s, ‘was the hope drunk…’, Portia’s ‘the quality of Mercy is not Strain’d’ and Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be…’ show the persuasive speeches of Shakespeare’s plays and their impact on the reader’s mind till date. By which will the speakers inspire the listeners – conversational style, slang and casual phrases, inclusive words, friendly appearance, vocal variety, answering off-the-cuff questions or body language…? Good orators make perfect politicians.
What do the politicians horoscopes say? Here is an analytical report finding the position of the planets which help them grabbing mass attention.
History of Orators

In ancient Rome, the art of speaking in public was cultivated by Politicians and lawyers. The Greeks and the Romans trained the young of the art of public speaking under a proper teacher Julius Caesar, the Roman general, is still known for his oratorical skill. The politicians bring rapture to their audience – be it political junkies or casual observers. The audiences are made to swear and wobble irrespective of caste or creed. Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., … there is a long line of historical figures who have distinguished themselves with their words. Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ address and Roosevelt’s first inaugural address. History says the social crisis may give rise to great speeches, in the world. Great speakers may listen to and mimic outstanding orators to pick up vocal cues and techniques. Such type of practice would fetch them a good result. Is it easy to be an inspirational speaker? Of course not. Orators employ rhythmic repetition, call-and-response formulas and a conversational tone to bond with those listening to them.
“Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope?” Obama said to thunderous cheers in a speech. It is an inspirational of course an attention pulling oration. Public speaking is only of the many skills of a president. Kennedy and Reagon made a mark with their oratory skills and they are the most memorable speeches. Through their rhetoric their shortcomings were cast aside by the public. Reagan’s ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!’ speech at the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’ are still indelibly etched in the publics mind. President’s speech must be musical like a siren song luring voters to take a risk on an unknown quantity.
Public Speaking

There are five basic elements in public speaking – who, what, to whom, what medium and with what effects. Its purpose is to carry information from one for motivating many. A good oration could change the emotional air of the listeners and not just inform. In commerce, public speaking becomes a tool for motivating the public to be the consumer of the product, newly launched. Aristotle and Quintilian discussed oratory. The art of public speaking was first developed by the ancient Greeks. Plato, Aristotle and Socrates developed theories of public speaking. The Latin style was heavily influenced by Cicero. It was the primary form of oration till the beginning of the 20th century. Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler, Mercus Garvey, John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton became successful in their careers for their skills in oratory. This drastic change on the elocution techniques, are due to the transformation in the mind set of the listening public. Video conferencing technology has revolutionized the way that public speakers communicate to the masses. Training given to hone the art of public speaking may include gestures, control of the voice, vocabulary, pitches, humour and developing a relationship with the audience.
Rhetoric and its History
It is the art of discourse, which aims to improve the facility of speakers who attempt to inform, persuade or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. It has its central role in the Western tradition. Aristotle’s three persuasive audience appeals are logos, pathos and ethos. The five canons of rhetoric were first codified in classical Rome such as invention, arrangement, style, memory and delivery. Rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse. Public relations, lobbying, law, marketing, professional and technical writing and advertising are modern professions that employ rhetorical practitioners. Gorgias used rhetoric to prove the innocence of the mythical Helen of Troy. Rhetoric was viewed as a civic art of many ancient philosophers, since it has the power to shape communities, form the character of citizens and greatly impact civic life. Francis Bacon developed the study of ‘scientific rhetoric’. Rhetoric has its origin in the earliest civilization, Mesopotamia. The Egyptians had a very high value for eloquent speaking. Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese philosopher emphasized the use of eloquence in speaking. In Homer’s Iliad, Achilles, Hektor and Odysseus were honoured for their oratorical skill. Protagoras, Gorgias, and Isocrates are called as Sophists who popularized oratory in the 5th century BC, in Europe.
Planetary combinations for Orators, Politicians
In a horoscope 2nd house from the lagna speaks about the communication skills. When Sun is in lagna or in 10th house in a horoscope, one reaches higher position in politics. When 2nd lord is powerful and malefic planets are combined with 2nd lord, their speeches are very powerful.